About Maximpacts Womens Empowerment Sector
Women are an immense resource for social change. It has been proven with countless statistics that women’s collaborative actions are a prerequisite for the fight against poverty and human rights. UN Women, the UN Global Compact, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, and other agencies provide findings that demonstrate that gender diversity helps business perform better and that achieving the Millennium Development Goals requires a rapid integration of gender equality.
Our new and exciting sector of action entitled Women’s Empowerment provides a platform area for two categories in particular:
1. Women who create impact through investment
Business women around the world who appreciate the economic, political and social position they have achieved, are harnessing their experience, status and financial power to promote social responsibility and environmental preservation. Women in impact investment are becoming a powerful group which is accelerating change. Their understanding of issues such as discrimination, marginalization and exclusion often lead to an emphasis in striving for gender equality, human rights and poverty alleviation. But women’s impact investment goes beyond these areas to include a splendid array of support for green tech, clean tech, eco tourism and venture philanthropy. In the Women’s Empowerment sector, women investors can join to amplify the impact they already make as individuals or smaller groups.
2. Projects helping women
Women are half the world’s population, working two thirds of the world’s working hours, receiving 10% of the world’s income and owning less than 1% of the world’s property.
Unfortunately, in many parts of the world women do not have enough rights and resources to change their situation. In fact, the problem is so enormous that it has given rise to one of the 8 UN Millennium Goals: No.3 Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women. The Women’s Empowerment sector offers a pool of compelling projects to help women in the progress towards poverty alleviation, health care, education, child care and in general to improve their daily lives. For women poverty often does not only mean scarcity and need. It is unfortunately often coupled with denied rights, reduced opportunities, no voice or decision-making, tough physical conditions and violation of their dignity. A wealth of projects are blossoming on Maximpact ready to help alleviate these circumstances and give a new, brighter future to struggling women around the world. Sectors of Focus.