Maximpact Blog

Achieving My Max Impact

Achieving_My_Max_ImpactCan I maximize my impact? That’s a fair question many of us raise. I am convinced that your investments, your ideas and your work have a potential you haven’t tapped into yet.

The more we understand what and how we are able to contribute, the bigger our impact will be. Often our pursuit to contribute gets jeopardized by what we don’t understand about the baggage we still carry with us from the time when our thoughts and deeds were primarily focussed on doing business the old fashioned way: meeting business targets and our own personal needs and wants, first and foremost. And let’s be honest, we all had this time in our lives when the ecosystem, people and planet came secondary, if not last.

I suggest you grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if you prefer so), sit down and take an introspective moment for the benefit of our planet and your impact on it. Please ask yourself, what stands in your way to offer more of the best you can give to make this world a better place? Is there a fear that there would not be enough for you and your loved ones if you give more, compromise more, sacrifice more? Is there a fear that the people you love and want to be appreciated and respected by turn away from you because they don’t understand? Fears are illusions created by an overactive left hand side of our brain. They are not a sign of reality. Your brain tricks you and makes you think they are. That’s what brain research tells us. So what about having a coffee break now? The community of the human family needs you, me and many more to achieve our max impact. It might start with this coffee…


Martina Violetta Jung

A Hero's Journey to Healthy LeadershipMartina Violetta Jung is a German writer, business woman, leadership coach and speaker. She focuses on the concepts “Leadership Beyond Intellect” and a more Holistically and conscious way of doing business.   Martina Violetta Jung’s most recent book ‘A Hero’s Journey To Healthy Leadership‘ available on Amazon.