Maximpact: Training for Refugees & Migrants to Facilitate Labour Market Intergration

Bill Wolsey, owner of the Merchant Hotel in Belfast is interviewing the refugee participants.
June 26, 2018, Maximpact has organized interviews for all the participants of the English for Hospitality program.
The English for Hospitality language training ends this week and several participants have already found jobs within the sector. Other participants have interviews lined up for this and next week.
Bill Wolsey, the owner of the Merchant Hotel in Belfast, is very interested in providing job opportunities to migrants and refugees. He took time from his busy schedule to come and meet our participants to tell them about the hospitality industry, career growth and opportunities.
At the end of the interview, Mr. Wolsey has set interviews for next week with his HR department to see what jobs they can be allocated.
For more information contact Maximpact at info(at)
Language for Employment and Vocational Training Program to Integrate Refugees Faster into the Labour Market
Today the world finds itself in front of the worst refugee crisis since the Second World War. Culminating with Syria conflict, over 60 million people have been displaced globally.
Countries accepting refugees are struggling to reconcile humanitarian and economic aspects of the ongoing crisis. Supporting repatriation or integration are two possible solutions for mitigating refugee and immigrant experience. Even though supporting sustainable repatriation would be the best solution, that option is not feasible for many refugees, in particular those coming from countries where devastating conflicts are still going on.
Integration of the refugees into local communities is a long process. Statistics show that it takes 5 to 6 years to integrate 50% of migrants into the labour market and up to 15 years to get 70% them employed.
Research carried out by the University of Sussex has identified that some of the most important obstacles for integration occurs due to insufficient knowledge of local language and a lack of the access to employment and vocational training for the sectors in demand for the foreign labour force.
Maximpact brings together the needs of local labour markets and refugee integration by implementing innovative, sector-specific language and vocational training for employment of refugees and migrants.
With its refugee-migrant education and employment program Maximpact offers the possibility to corporations, governments, NGOs and other private and public organisations that to work together towards helping refugees and migrants to rebuild and change people’s lives for the better.
Find out more about the training program
Are you interested in carrying out or sponsoring Language for Employment and Training for Refugees?
Whether you are a company looking for a corporate social responsibility program, an International Nonprofit Organisation or perhaps home office or government body – you can make a real change in people’s lives by offering refugees Language for Employment and/or Vocational Training program.
Social and economic integration can be achieved faster by equipping refugees with the necessary skills and connecting them to employers.
At Maximpact, we take care of the entire cycle.
Contact Caroline at carolinek(at)
Maximpact Organises Recruitment Day for Women Migrants for the Care Sector
Last Thursday, 21 June 2018, Maximpat has organised a recruitment day at HAPANI office with one of the largest providers of homecare services in the UK. In less than eight years they have grown from one business to 200 delivering 20,000 customer visits every day.
Today, they are looking to help refugees and migrants into employment by providing them with work opportunities and training.
During the recruitment day, it was identified that out of 23 participants only three spoke good English to be hired, the rest require English courses. The participants have been in Northern Ireland between 3 months and 3 years.
Maximpact is now working with their partners to create a women empowerment project to provide women with the necessary training and employment opportunities.
Would you like to support these women to find work? Contact us to see how!
Sector-Specific Language Skills for Employment
Sector Specific Language for Employment is designed to overcome challenges refugees and migrants face when attending current English courses. These challenges are gender based, religion and discrimination, geographical logistics and teacher’s language barrier.
Maximpact and its team have designed an innovative online live training concept, which has been proven to resolve the problems encountered and increase the rate at which the refugees learn and find work. Read More
Job-Ready Vocational Training Services in the Care Sector
Care sector has a shortage of staff and refugees would be a good fit to fill in the job positions.
The training is carried out by the largest homecare provider in the country, ensuring the best vocational training is provided.
Depending on the level of language, refugees and migrants will be given language training for care followed by a 5 day on the job training including practical experience. Training is a blend of online live and on location training. Read More
Employment Ready Vocational Training in Hospitality Sector
Depending on the level of English, trainees will improve their language skills for working in hospitality and will also receive on-the-job training for developing industry specialised skills.
The language training is carried out online by a live trainer. The trainer applies a highly interactive methodology, which is adapted to each participant. Vocational training is carried out within a hotel or restaurant. Read More
Employment Ready Vocational Training in Agriculture Sector
Refugees and migrants are trained in “Harvesting and picking” and “Packaging”.
Agricutlure industry has a shortage of agriculture workers as more young people leave into the city to find white-colour jobs. Read More