Maximpact Blog

Much more than just a conference – Lilongwe Malawi, 14-17 April 2015

World Vision AUS

We need your help to raise $122,000

in order to restore land and change lives

Maximpact is reaching out to its network to assist World Vision  in raising  the remaining $122,000 for the 2015 Beating Famine Conference in Africa.

This is your opportunity to be part of a global movement

In 2012 the first Beating Famine conference was held in Kenya, with incredible results. The conference introduced cost effective land regeneration techniques and instigated the roll out of ground-breaking projects across the East Africa region. These projects are now actively restoring land, regenerating trees, increasing crop yields and ultimately improving livelihoods and food security for people across East Africa.

  • Contributed to NEPAD/Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance’s decision to cast FMNR as a foundation of Climate Smart Agriculture.
  • Helped convince the Australian Government overseas Aid program to invest $1.5 million matching funds to the FMNR for East Africa project.
  • Contributed to the Dutch Government decision to fund the Euro 40m DGIS project in five Sahelien countries.
  • Resulted in strengthening World Agroforestry Centre – World Vision collaboration, helping to scale up activities East Africa and opened up new opportunities around the world.

In 2015 we want to offer you the chance to be involved in the second Beating Famine conference, to be held in Malawi. Our 2012 event was the catalyst for huge changes in the region. In 2015 we want to provide Southern Africa with the same opportunity. We cannot do this without your help.

World Vision Malawi, World Vision Australia, and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) will deliver the ‘Beating Famine’ conference from 14-17 April 2015. It will showcase leading global land restoration techniques and will feature world class speakers from the private sector, NGOs, research institutes, governments and more,. This conference is more than just a way to reach out to local farmers and communities, it is also a vibrant platform for knowledge sharing and developing new partnerships in the sector.

About the 2015 Beating Famine Conference

The conference will showcase leading global land restoration techniques and will feature world class speakers from the private sector, NGOs, research institutes, governments and more.

This conference is more than just a way to reach out to local farmers and communities, it is also a vibrant platform for knowledge sharing and developing new partnerships in the sector.

How you can help

There are many ways that you can actively support this conference and Southern African communities. Your attendance will not only involve you in a global movement, it will provide you with networking and knowledge sharing opportunities.

Alternatively your donation can go towards co-sponsoring this conference, which will secure your promotional material and presence throughout.

To be involved 

If you would like to support, attend or donate the Beating Famine Conference please contact us on +61-3-9287-2604 or email us at

For more information please visit

world Vision