About Maximpact Blog
Maximpact Blog was created to highlight and discuss the various sector of focus areas covered within Maximpact Ecosystem.
Maximpact Ecosystem was designed as platform to bring together Social Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs, Non Profits, Intermediaries, Funders, Government bodies and Multilateral Institutions within impact and sustainability.
The Maximpact Blog is an integral part of this community, providing a commentary on key issues being addressed within over 200 sectors and sub-sectors focused on creating good impact and a more sustainable future.
At Maximpact, we strongly believe that open exchange and cross‐sector collaboration is the key to strengthening the emerging impact and sustainability sectors. Therefore we are always open to guest contributors wishing to submitted compelling, unique bylined articles, news pieces and interviews that they feel our readership would enjoy.
To contribute send us an email with the subject title “Maximpact Contributor” to media(at)maximpact.com
Our Maximpact communications team is always open to working with journalists around the world to share what Maximpact Ecosystems is creating with its unique network. If you’re a member of the media and would like to talk to us, please get in touch at press(at)maximpact.com