Maximpact Blog

7 Steps in the Sales Cycle

Sales people drive revenue, communicate the Company’s messaging and often bridge the gap between the organization and its target customers. Ultimately, great sales teams with quality executive leadership create phenomenal companies because “a rising tide lifts all boats” within the company.

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Building Effective Digital Marketing Strategies

Marketing is a social process. Although there are all sorts of metrics that can be used, data gathered, and analytics generated, marketing innovation is typically not driven by data. Data drives tactics, experience, practice and intuition drive marketing strategy. It’s not too complicated to employ marketing tactics, but it’s very difficult to master marketing strategy. It requires time, patience, and some critical thinking ability…

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How a Website Redesign Could Benefit Your Company

In the internet age, a business is only as good as its website. Most business these days occurs on the internet via internet traffic that is generated through ad campaigns and other forms of digital marketing. It is incredibly important for businesses of all sizes to engage the online community actively and persistently. Inconsistent activity online can lead to a perfectly viable business failing faster than it started.

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Tips on How to Build Your Online Business – One Step at a Time

The Internet connects 3.4 billion of us every day. Unfortunately, this massive amount of traffic comes with the serious risk of being drowned out in a sea of noise. Growing your online business in this environment is arduous, to say the least, and takes sustained and concentrated effort. You may have access to hundreds of thousands of potential customers, but so does everyone else.

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