Maximpact Blog

Energy Poverty Can Follow Shift to Renewables

Efforts to shift away from fossil fuels and replace oil and coal with renewable energy sources can help reduce carbon emissions but they do so at the expense of increased inequality, according to a new study from Portland State University.

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Court Battle Brewing Over Trump’s New Asylum Limits

Refugees traveling through third countries to the U.S. southern border are now barred from seeking asylum in the United States if they did not apply for, and were denied, protection from persecution or torture where it was available in at least one third country on the way.

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Attack on Libyan Refugee Camp Shocks the World

The United Nations Security Council has condemned an airstrike that killed at least 53 people and injured 130 others in a Libyan detention center and is urging all parties to the conflict to de-escalate tensions and commit to a cease-fire.

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Green Grows the European Bond Market

To raise at least €1 billion for the development of green debt in Europe, French asset management giant Amundi and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have this week launched the Green Credit Continuum program.

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Young Asylum Seekers Caged, Neglected at U.S. Border

“I’m hungry here at Clint all the time. I’m so hungry that I have woken up in the middle of the night with hunger. … I’m too scared to ask the officials here for any more food, even though there is not enough food here for me,” says a migrant boy, age 12, held at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Border Station Clint in El Paso, Texas.

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1.4 Million Refugees Need Resettlement in 2020

“We urgently need more countries to come forward and resettle more refugees,” pleaded Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, on Monday. With 84 percent of the world’s refugees now hosted by developing countries, he said, “There simply has to be a more equitable sharing of responsibility for global crises.”

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Refugees’ Personalities Predict Integration Success

Refugees who are more willing to take risks, who reciprocate friendliness, and who are more strongly convinced than others are that they are in control of their lives integrate into society faster, finds new research based on a study of over 4,500 refugees who settled in Germany at least 18 months ago.

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Resilient Infrastructure Investments Could Save Trillions

Investing in more resilient infrastructure in low- and middle-income countries would yield a net benefit of US$4.2 trillion, with $4 in benefit for each $1 invested, finds a new report from the World Bank and its Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery.

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Clean Energy Investing Grabs World Attention

“Energy investments now face unprecedented uncertainties, with shifts in markets, policies and technologies,” said Dr. Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency. “But the bottom line is that the world is not investing enough in traditional elements of supply to maintain today’s consumption patterns, nor is it investing enough in cleaner energy technologies to change course.”a

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