Maximpact Blog

Getting Comfortable With Soft Robotics

Search-and-rescue robots that act without risk to first responders, a robotic gripper that grasps and moves objects these applications and many more just moved closer to reality with the development of a new technology in a Yale University lab.

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Global Climate Action Summit Strives to Stoke Ambition

Global leaders from across the private sector, local government and civil society are in San Francisco this week to showcase progress, unveil new climate commitments and to launch new platforms to work in partnership across sectors to accelerate implementation of the Paris Climate Accord.

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Solar, Wind Power Create Hotter, Greener Deserts

Wind and solar farms are known to have local effects on heat and humidity … A new climate-modeling study finds that a massive wind and solar installation in the Sahara Desert and neighboring Sahel would increase local temperature, precipitation and vegetation.

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Water Shortages Linked to Violence, Poverty

More nature-based solutions are urgently needed to avoid a violent global water crisis, warn the hosts of World Water Week 2018, which opened Sunday in Stockholm, attracting government leaders, water experts, development professionals and business representatives from throughout the world.

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World’s Forests Going Up in Smoke

Chile has replaced many of its native forests with plantation forests to supply pulp and timber mills that produce paper and wood products. As a result, highly flammable non-native pine and eucalypt forests now cover the region.

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Tax Havens Enable Illegal Logging, Fishing

Tax havens such as Singapore, Panama and the Cayman Islands provide financial secrecy for industries that are associated with environmentally destructive activities on a global scale, new research demonstrates.

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EU & China Shape ‘Sustainable Blue Economy’

Two of the world’s largest ocean economies – the European Union and China – have agreed to work together “to improve the international governance of the oceans in all its aspects, including by combating illegal fishing and promoting a sustainable blue economy.

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Never Turn Your Back on the Ocean

Famous Hawaiian swimmer and surfer Duke Kahanamoku always warned, “Never turn your back on the ocean.” He wanted people to guard against the physical danger of being hit by a wave from behind, and he wanted humans to show respect for the ocean – a warning that today is more urgent than ever.

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