Maximpact Blog

Climate-Neutral COP23 Aims for Sustainability

This year’s UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, which opened Monday and continues through November 17 under the presidency of Fiji, gives nations an opportunity to showcase their own climate actions at this “climate-neutral” event.

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Faith in Finance

First the numbers. Financial investors and leaders of more than 30 faith traditions representing over 500 faith investment groups from eight religions with some three trillion dollars in assets, will meet in Zug this month.

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Local People Know Best

Standard ways of measuring community well-being and sustainability used by global organizations may be missing critical information that could lead to missteps in management actions, finds research that emerged this week.

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Biochar: ‘Black Gold’ With a Hundred Uses

Biochar can help address many environmental challenges, as people in Norway are just now discovering. This form of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage reduces the need for fertilizers, may lead to better crop yields and can remove heavy metals from the soil.

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What’s That in Your Fruit Salad?

A pregnant woman eating a salad of fresh fruit grown by conventional agriculture in the European Union may think she is providing healthy nourishment to her future baby, but in fact she might be exposing it to a cocktail of endocrine disrupting chemicals.

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EU Pours Millions Into Circular, Low-carbon Economy

Integrating solar panels into the glass facades of buildings could improve their energy performance to meet EU targets, as the buildings become a whole new source of renewable energy. This is just one of 139 projects soon to be funded by the European Commission.

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Discover the World of Sustainable Hospitality

A one-month worldwide trip visiting sustainable tourism initiatives is the prize that will go to the winner of a new competition hosted by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to select the world’s most responsible traveller.

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High-Powered California Governor Leads on Climate

As President Donald Trump has abdicated his leadership on climate change by denying the legitimacy of the results produced by 99 percent of the world’s climate scientists, by defunding low-carbon efforts and embracing fossil fuels, and by declaring he will pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement, someone else has stepped in to lead on this crucial issue – California Governor Jerry Brown.

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Is Climate Change to Blame?

Contemplating the destruction and suffering that four ferocious hurricanes have brought to the Caribbean over the past four weeks, UN Secretary-General António Guterres blames it on climate change.

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Equator Prize Winners Demonstrate Maximum Impact

Outstanding local and indigenous community initiatives that resolve climate, environment and poverty issues are honored with the Equator Prize, every odd year, just as the United Nations General Assembly opens at UN headquarters in New York.

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Empowering Cities With the New Urban Agenda

Regions, cities, towns, localities – this is where people live and as local people they want their voices heard not only locally, but nationally and around the world. Now, they are making new strides towards recognition and power by implementing the New Urban Agenda.

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