Maximpact Blog

Pristine Ross Sea Wilderness Protected

The European Union and 24 national governments have agreed to safeguard an expansive area in the Ross Sea region of Antarctica’s Southern Ocean, to take effect December 1, 2017. The new marine protected area is now the world’s largest.

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US$100 Billion to Finance Climate Triage

Finance is always a hot issue at UN climate talks, and this year’s 22nd Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change will focus even more intently on financing – this time to support the first global greenhouse gas limitation pact.

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167 Nations Adopt New Urban Agenda

Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, has wrapped up in Quito, Ecuador, as delegations adopted the New Urban Agenda, a new framework that details how cities should be planned and managed to best achieve sustainability.

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Green Bond Market Shoots Up

The green bond market reported a worldwide milestone in August when aggregate green bond issuance topped US$150 billion for the first time since the World Bank issued the inaugural green bond in 2008.

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Africa Investment Forum Debuts at GITEX

The African Development Bank has launched an Africa Investment Forum as a meeting place for social impact investors. The Forum will showcase bankable projects, attract financing, and provide platforms for investing across multiple countries.

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Investors Assess Their Climate Risks

Investors are being put on notice that some mutual funds and exchange traded funds labeled “sustainable,” “ecology,” “green” or “integrity” may actually have very high carbon footprints.

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Six CSR Strategies for Startups

Startups now have a new strategic guide to help them build a record of social responsibility, courtesy of the philanthropic Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

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China & USA: Green Health Care Partners

A delegation from the Chinese health sector came to the Bay Area in September to identify strategies that can address the health effects of climate change and foster green, environmentally sustainable health care in both China and the United States.

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CITES CoP17: Elephants Win, Lions Lose

World governments have adopted landmark decisions on shutting down illegal trade while regulating legal, sustainable and traceable trade in wild animals and plants. The decisions affect a large number of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, as well as an entire genus of trees.

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Paris Climate Pact ‘Unstoppable’

The Paris Agreement on climate change is set to enter into force on November 4, less than a year after it was adopted by world leaders. With the ratifications now deposited, enough countries have approved the landmark accord to trigger its implementation.

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CO2 Level Hits 15 Million-Year High

Record high global levels of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, CO2, were measured in September at over 400 parts per million for the first time in 15 million years, jolting leaders into awareness that Earth’s climate is changing quickly.

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WHO: Air Pollution Kills Millions

Three million deaths a year are linked to exposure to outdoor air pollution, and indoor air pollution can be just as deadly. Today, the World Health Organization issued an air quality model confirming that 92 percent of the world’s people live in places where air pollution levels exceed WHO limits.

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