Maximpact Blog

Building a Green Path Toward Sustainable Cities

Green building is one of the best ways to combat climate change, since globally, “Buildings account for about a third of CO2 emissions, and these will continue to rise under a business-as-usual scenario,” Bruce Kerswill told delegates to the World Green Building Congress 2015 in Hong Kong.

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Solar-Powered Lights Flick On Across Nigeria

The U.S. government’s development finance institution, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), has signed a US$15 million commitment to finance a business that provides solar electricity to homes and small business throughout Nigeria.

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Green Grow the Climate Awareness Bonds

The European Investment Bank is the first issuer to link its individual green bonds to the projects they finance for the sake of transparency and accountability ahead of the Paris climate talks.

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Honors to Women and Girls Who Feed the World

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed of Bangladesh, founder and chair of BRAC, one of the world’s largest and most effective anti-poverty organizations, was honored as 2015 World Food Prize Laureate earlier this month. He built the success of BRAC on empowering women and girls.

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Israel, Jordan, Palestine Unite for Jordan River

The Jordan River, famous in story and song, is threatened by water diversion and contamination. In this arid region torn by political and religious differences, NGOs from Israel, Jordan and Palestine are cooperating to restore the river – unity forged on the anvil of fear for their life-giving waterway.

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Nonprofit Lawyers: It’s not an Oxymoron, It’s ELAW

The nonprofit Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW) is the go-to organization for 300+ lawyers in more than 70 countries who act as environmental defenders. Sunny Lewis gives us an insight to some of their most important work to date around the world.

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Shipbreaking Moves Off the Beach

A protest by the environmental justice organization Basel Action Network over an obsolete ship owned by Matson, Inc. being sent to a shipbreaker in India, prompted the shipping company to stop scrapping its vessels on the beaches of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

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