Maximpact Blog

Life During Lockdown: Blessing or Curse?

If anyone had told Aisha and her teenaged daughter a year ago that everybody would be locked down in his house, and the biggest cities in the world empty and looking like ghost towns, they would have said he is crazy!!! “However here we are,” she says, “all trying to adapt to our new situation.”

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New Nanomaterial Mines Wastewater for Valuable Metals

A new nanomaterial called ZIOS can selectively target and trap copper ions from wastewater with unprecedented precision and speed. ZIOS offers the water industry and the research community the first blueprint for a water-remediation technology that scavenges specific heavy metal ions with a measure of control at the atomic level that far surpasses the current state of the art.

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Solar-Powered Mobile Desalination on the Horizon – Water

Harnessing the sun to bring mobile desalination units that make fresh drinking water to remote and disaster-struck communities will be possible within five years, say researchers at the University of Bath. They have developed a revolutionary desalination process that can be operated in mobile, solar-powered units.

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New Multi-Layer Solar Cell Sets World Record

A new kind of solar cell has captured the world record for the highest solar conversion efficiency at 47.1 percent efficiency in the lab and nearly 40 percent in the field, making new kinds of environmental solutions possible. The new solar cell outperformed typical solar panels by combining six kinds of collectors into one micro-thin surface.

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Turning Waste Into High Value Products

New technologies are breaking through the barriers to a circular economy that would consign enormous landfills and incinerators to the dustbin of history. Waste has become a resource for the production of new materials, and entrepreneurs who ignore these facts will be left behind.

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Online Learning Backstops Education’s Virus Backslide

School closures to control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic have left roughly 60 percent of the world’s children without an education. In fact, global human development could backslide this year for the first time since the concept was introduced in 1990, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is warning in a new report.

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Coronavirus Pandemic: Robots to the Rescue

community Solutions

Healthcare providers around the world need all the help they can get to stay healthy themselves while they support whole communities recovering from the coronavirus. Often now, from China to Singapore, from Spain to the United States, the help they are getting comes from robots.

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Keeping Refugees Healthy Keeps Everyone Safe

Community Solutions

“If ever we needed reminding that we live in an interconnected world, the novel coronavirus has brought that home,” said UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi as the UN Refugee Agency and the World Health Organization today signed a new agreement to strengthen public health services for the millions forcibly displaced from their communities.

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Gardens Create a Wealth of Wellbeing

Just being in a garden results in benefits for human health and wellbeing similar to living in wealthy areas, a new large-scale study in England has found. At this time, when so many people in communities around the world are socially isolating to prevent infection with the novel coronavirus, access to a garden can foster wellbeing, physical activity, and enjoyment of nature.

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Impact Investors Confront Coronavirus Crisis

community solutions

A new coalition of impact investors has come together to bring their formidable entrepeneurial skills to bear on the novel coronavirus and the deadly disease it causes, COVID-19. The coalition aims to help communities around the world weather this crisis and emerge with a renewed commitment to building a more inclusive, resilient system.

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Global Vaccine Telethon Supports Coronavirus Community Solutions

To help fight the coronavirus, six countries, the European Commission and the Bill & Melina Gates Foundation Monday pledged billions in new funding to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. The money will be used to support universal access to a future COVID-19 vaccine and also to support the vaccination of hundreds of millions of children against pneumonia, measles and polio.

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Finland Ranked Happiest Country in World

Finland is the happiest country in the world for the third straight year, according to this year’s United Nations World Happiness Report. The World Happiness Report 2020 ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be according to their evaluations of their own lives.

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Virus ‘Reset’ Global Economy in Favor of ESG

“What coronavirus has done is reset the economy. It has accelerated the need for a new, better operating system that gives more Americans the incentives and, in many cases, the opportunities they need to create broad-based prosperity,” writes Martin Whittaker, CEO of JUST Capital and a Board member of the Carbon Disclosure Project U.S.”

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Refugee Doctors Volunteer to Fight Virus

Doctors and nurses wearing surgical masks and gloves dash in and out of hospital rooms, working around the clock to register and check the symptoms of anxious patients filling up every space in the hallways of the Taleghani Hospital in Iran. Refugee nurse Moheyman Alkhatavi, 24, uses a long, cotton-tipped swab to collect cell samples from the nose of a frail, elderly man.

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