Ice on Fire, is a new documentary about climate change. It takes a look at some of the innovative solutions that are being discovered all across the world to combat the potential catastrophic effects of climate change before it is too late.
+Read MoreWith developments in technology and the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is now possible for all businesses to monitor their energy outputs and become more energy efficient.
+Read MoreAt the close of Africa Climate Week, five days hosted by the Government of Ghana, Manuel de Araújo, mayor of the seaport city of Quelimane, Mozambique, told delegates how his region is suffering the catastrophic impacts of climate change right now.
+Read MoreEach dollar you save on your energy bill is another dollar on your bottom line. Except this dollar is a rather special dollar. First of all, it’s a dollar that did not require additional labour to produce or a new manufacturing plant to make. Statistically speaking 50% of your energy saving potential required little or […]
+Read MoreKeeping the planet cool is now seriously stylish in the exclusive world of fashion. To demonstrate commitment, the global fashion sector Monday launched the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action at the annual UN climate conference now underway in Katowice.
+Read MoreWorldwide, the problem of solid waste is escalating at an exponential rate. Rapid urban population growth combined with changes in consumption means that as a species, we’re beginning to drown in the waste we’re creating.
+Read More“Earth’s climate is changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, primarily as a result of human activities,” warns a bombshell report from the U.S. government, released Friday. Produced by 300 scientists from 13 federal agencies, it finds that global warming is creating new risks and aggravating current vulnerabilities across the United States.
+Read MoreIf global warming rises more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels and no adequate adaptation measures are taken, Europe is at risk of being exposed to more frequent, intense extreme weather conditions with serious economic impacts.
+Read More“These activities shine a light on scalable climate action around the world,” said Patricia Espinosa, executive secretary of UN Climate Change. “They are proof that climate action isn’t only possible, it’s innovative, it’s exciting and it makes a difference.”
+Read MorePresent-day climate change could result in the spread of deadly mosquito-borne diseases to new places or their return to areas where they have already been eradicated, scientists are warning, based on the largest-ever study of the mosquito evolutionary tree, going back 195 million years.
+Read MorePhilanthropic foundations from across the United States and around the world have just pledged $4 billion over the next five years to fight climate change – the largest climate-related philanthropic commitment ever made.
+Read MoreGlobal leaders from across the private sector, local government and civil society are in San Francisco this week to showcase progress, unveil new climate commitments and to launch new platforms to work in partnership across sectors to accelerate implementation of the Paris Climate Accord.
+Read MoreFamous Hawaiian swimmer and surfer Duke Kahanamoku always warned, “Never turn your back on the ocean.” He wanted people to guard against the physical danger of being hit by a wave from behind, and he wanted humans to show respect for the ocean – a warning that today is more urgent than ever.
+Read MoreThe warming climate is likely to result in increased volatility of grain prices, maize production shocks and reduced food security, finds new research published Monday in the U.S. journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.”
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