Maximpact Blog


Sanitation may not be the most glamorous part of the social benefit sector but it’s potentially big business: Current estimates value the market for products and services at $80 billion over ten years. With this incentive, businesses are starting to take up the sanitation challenge. Several of the most promising innovators are listed on Maximpact today.

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The World Sanitation Financing Facility (WSFF) started life as a timely idea. Born out of a conversation between Arthur Wood, then global head of Ashoka’s social financial services, Jack Sim, founder of the World Toilet Association and World Toilet Day, and Dr Guy Hutton, the leading Sanitation Economist for the World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), it came into being just as the wave of interest in social benefit investing was gaining momentum.

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has plenty in common with impact investing. (See The Impact Investing-CSR Opportunity for more) Now CSRHub, a tool that provides CSR sustainability ratings for companies, is listed on Maximpact in a bid to attract the funds it needs to grow to scale

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Impact Investing and CSR

Impact investing and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) have much in common. Both are founded on a belief that business can be used to affect positive social and environmental change. Both use market mechanisms and harness business expertise, though in different ways. And both are reflections of a global trend for aligning the goals of enterprise and with the needs of society.

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Data is a hot topic in the worlds of government, business and philanthropy. As information technologies mature, the increased availability of data, coupled with advances in analysis, mean that many sectors are reaping the long-promised rewards — and feeling the pressure of a new age of data immersion.

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We strive to increase positive impact for our clients and their beneficiaries by creating transparency and bridging the gap between people wanting to engage in positive change and adequate, high quality investment and philanthropy opportunities for impact.

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About Maximpacts Womens Empowerment Sector

Women are an immense resource for social change. It has been proven with countless statistics that women’s collaborative actions are a prerequisite for the fight against poverty and human rights. UN Women, the UN Global Compact, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, and other agencies provide findings that demonstrate that gender diversity helps business perform better and that achieving the Millennium Development Goals requires a rapid integration of gender equality.

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Spotlight Deal: LightUp Africa

“When was the last time you had to go without electricity for a day…? Now imagine going one day,one month or your entire life without access to electricity. That is how life is for 85% of Kenyans, over 500,000,000 Africans and 1.5 billion people around the world.” Light Up Africa founder Alan Hurt

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Mobile phones and other forms of mobile communication technology are making their mark on the developing world. The number of mobile subscriptions has grown to 6 billion, of which 5 billion are in developing countries, according to a World Bank report. More than 30 billion apps — pieces of software that extend the capabilities of phones were downloaded in 2011. It’s likely that record will be far surpassed in 2012.

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Shine On: Solar Deals Light Up Maximpact

Light on Deal

Maximpact has always hosted a wide variety of solar deals on our site. Today’s deals reflect key trends in the solar sector including a new focus on deployment of existing technologies, diversifying services to support other parts of the solar supply chain and offering sustainable energy solutions for off-grid users in emerging markets.

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Bright Green Island Bornholm In Action

Bright Green Island

Some people believe that words like technology, design and creativity belong to the big cities. That big problems should be solved by big companies in big offices. We (Bornholm) as a small island have decided to prove them wrong: Innovation, solutions and development can take place anywhere at anytime by anyone.

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Equitable Origin: An Eco-label for Fossil Fuels

Imagine a Fair Trade-style eco-label for fossil fuels. A glance at the logo tells customers buying this fuel—or products made from it—that it’s produced using the highest environmental standards and in a way that helps rather than harms local communities. This is the idea behind Equitable Origin, the first and only independent certification and certification trading system for oil and gas production. It’s now seeking impact investment on the Maximpact deal site.”

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Introducing Maximpact Newsstand

Have information you want to share? Newsstand is an open platform where you can make your publications available to a wider audience. Simply upload your resources to Newsstand’s virtual reading shelf. Listing is free of charge.

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