Maximpact Blog

Fighting the Food and Fertiliser Crisis

By Sunny Lewis for MaxImpact The May 20 issue of The Economist forecasted a foreboding future of mass hunger and malnutrition from a battered global food system dependent on wheat from Russia and Ukraine. Together, these two countries produce nearly 30 per cent of the world’s traded wheat where 26 countries around the world get […]

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World’s E-Waste Heavier than China’s Great Wall

BRUSSELS, Belgium, October 14, 2021 – Today, on International E-Waste Day 2021, waste management experts are asking households, businesses, and governments to get more dead or unused electronic devices to facilities where they can be repaired or recycled to recover precious metals and reduce the need to mine new resources.

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Cyclone Idai: A Terrible Climate Warning

At the close of Africa Climate Week, five days hosted by the Government of Ghana, Manuel de Araújo, mayor of the seaport city of Quelimane, Mozambique, told delegates how his region is suffering the catastrophic impacts of climate change right now.

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Never Turn Your Back on the Ocean

Famous Hawaiian swimmer and surfer Duke Kahanamoku always warned, “Never turn your back on the ocean.” He wanted people to guard against the physical danger of being hit by a wave from behind, and he wanted humans to show respect for the ocean – a warning that today is more urgent than ever.

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EU Extends Multi-Billion Euro Support to Migrants

While the United States attempts to limit migration through punitive action at its southern border, the European Union is taking the opposite approach to the flood of migrants from Africa and neighboring countries seeking sanctuary.

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How do NGOs change people’s lives? Read Joyce Mary’s heartening story

Joyce Mary’s story is a heartening one. It shows how a little help can go a long way when there are people as enterprising and entrepreneurial as she. And the vast majority of people in poor communities in Africa have this amazing ability to be business people in their own right. Joyce Mary talks about her “business dream coming through” with the help she got from WOWNI.

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The Story of Joyce Mary

War On Want Northern Ireland (WOWNI) is a small, independent International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) based in Belfast Northern Ireland. This year, 2017, it celebrates 56 years of working with poor communities in Africa.

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Unlocking Investment in Africa’s Sustainable Landscapes

Businesses can realize many benefits by investing in restoration of forests, rivers and freshwater, new research finds. Corporations increasingly recognize that working in landscape partnerships can help them address critical issues beyond their immediate supply chains.

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Transforming Africa

Following a meeting with G20 finance ministers and central bank governors on Sunday in Baden Baden, World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim announced a record US$57 billion in financing for Sub-Saharan African countries over the next three years.

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Gates Funds Climate-Smart Rice Development

Climate change-ready rice seeds of several varieties have reached millions of farmers in Asia and Africa under a forward-looking program known as Stress-Tolerant Rice for Africa and South Asia, or STRASA.

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