Maximpact Blog

Investing to Save Earth’s Vanishing Biodiversity

“Investing in Biodiversity for People and Planet,” is the theme of the UN Biodiversity Conference taking place now in Egypt. Officials from 190 countries have gathered to halt the loss of animals and plants and protect the ecosystems that support the livelihoods of billions.

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Where Tourists Step Lightly, Biodiversity Flourishes

“We share our planet with millions of species of wild animals and plants. They keep us alive through making fresh air, clean water and healthy soils; they are used every day to make medicine, food and furniture and they support cultural, recreational and tourism…”

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EU Patent Office Under Siege Over Seeds

More than 800,000 signatures against patents on plants, animals and seeds were handed to officials of the European Patent Office on June 29, as the EPO’s Administrative Council held a meeting in Munich.

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