Maximpact Blog

Rohinga Refugees Had So Little, Now They Have Less

Fire swept through a Rohinga refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar on Sunday leaving 15 refugees dead and more than 560 others injured. Bangladeshi authorities estimate that 400 people are still missing and 45,000 refugees lost their shelters and all their belongings in the devastating blaze.

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UN Appeal Asks $920 Million for Rohingya Refugees

Within a bamboo hut in the world’s largest refugee settlement, Rohingya refugee Syed Hossain, 27, lifts his shirt to display the blisters on his side. An outbreak of chickenpox has infected some 5,000 Rohingya in the vast Kutupalong settlement.

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Honors to Women and Girls Who Feed the World

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed of Bangladesh, founder and chair of BRAC, one of the world’s largest and most effective anti-poverty organizations, was honored as 2015 World Food Prize Laureate earlier this month. He built the success of BRAC on empowering women and girls.

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Shipbreaking Moves Off the Beach

A protest by the environmental justice organization Basel Action Network over an obsolete ship owned by Matson, Inc. being sent to a shipbreaker in India, prompted the shipping company to stop scrapping its vessels on the beaches of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

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