Maximpact Blog

Apple Energy: Too Valuable to Waste

Brazilian scientists have successfully produced biogas from the pulpy waste remaining after apples have been crushed to extract their juice. The biofuel produced from this waste, called apple pomace, could help reduce the use of climate-warming fossil fuels, the scientists say.

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Biochar: ‘Black Gold’ With a Hundred Uses

Biochar can help address many environmental challenges, as people in Norway are just now discovering. This form of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage reduces the need for fertilizers, may lead to better crop yields and can remove heavy metals from the soil.

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Wood Pulp Waste Transformed Into Biocrude Oil

Canfor Pulp Products Inc. has formed a joint venture with an Australian energy startup to convert biomass from its kraft pulping processes into biocrude oil that can be blended into petrochemical refinery streams to generate renewable fuels.

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