Maximpact Blog

The Cancer Risk of Carbon Capture

China has decided to develop and implement carbon capture and storage (CCS) on a massive scale. But there is a problem. The process of capturing carbon can lead to the formation of carcinogenic chemicals.

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Green Bond Surge Expands

The market for Green Bonds is developing rapidly, proving effective at channeling money into environmental projects. Offering insights into this fledgling, but fast-growing, market, “Environmental Finance,” has just announced its latest Green Bond Award winners.

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Climate Change Takes Its Toll

Climate Change – Monetary losses caused by natural disasters in the first half of 2016 were “significantly higher” than the corresponding figures for the previous year, although fewer people died in these events, according to a report by the German insurance and re-insurance firm Munich Re.

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Wood Pulp Waste Transformed Into Biocrude Oil

Canfor Pulp Products Inc. has formed a joint venture with an Australian energy startup to convert biomass from its kraft pulping processes into biocrude oil that can be blended into petrochemical refinery streams to generate renewable fuels.

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Carbon Pricing Gathers Momentum

“There is a growing sense of inevitability about putting a price on carbon pollution,” said World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim on the eve of the April 22 signing ceremony at UN Headquarters of the Paris Climate Agreement.

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Happy Employees Attract SRI Fund Investments

Google employees enjoy free rides to work at the California company’s headquarters campus, plus breakfast, lunch, and even dinner if they stay late – for free. New dads receive six weeks of paid leave, and moms can take 18 weeks. And Googlers can even bring their pets to work.

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TPP Unites Old Enemies, Makes New Ones

“We expect this historic agreement to promote economic growth, support higher-paying jobs; enhance innovation, productivity and competitiveness …and to promote transparency, good governance, and strong labor and environmental protections,” declared the ministers of the 12 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) countries.

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Shipbreaking Moves Off the Beach

A protest by the environmental justice organization Basel Action Network over an obsolete ship owned by Matson, Inc. being sent to a shipbreaker in India, prompted the shipping company to stop scrapping its vessels on the beaches of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

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