Maximpact Blog

Capacity Building is Building the Capacity to Grow

“Frequently invisible, and often overlooked, capacity building is the all-important ‘infrastructure’ that supports and shapes charitable nonprofits into forces for good,” declares the National Council of Nonprofits based in Washington, DC, the largest existing U.S. network of nonprofit organizations.

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NGOs Grow With Maximpact’s Training-of-Trainers

The Maximpact Training-of-Trainers program will graduate a competent and enthusiastic staff of trainers equipped with the skills and resources to transform local areas through sustainable agricultural methods tailored to local conditions and cultures.

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Strategic Planning, Project Support and M&E

A project can only be successful if all of its objectives are fully met and if the project succeeds in creating positive long term change in targeted settings. Maximpact discusses how strategic planning, project support and M&E are part of that success.

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