Maximpact Blog

Children, Hope of the World, At Risk

Young people are his greatest source of hope, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the world in his New Year’s message today. “From climate action to gender equality to social justice and human rights, your generation is on the frontlines and in the headlines,” he said. “I am inspired by your passion and determination.”

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Turkey Helps Syrian Refugee Girls Avoid Child Marriage

“Young girls who have fled conflict and instability in rural Syria in search of a more peaceful and dignified life in Turkey can find themselves still at risk from a harmful traditional practice their families have brought from their homeland,” warn three women and a man writing for the Turkish Red Crescent …

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A Child’s Right to Savings

Gone are the days when the only financial education a child would receive was a piggy bank with a coin or two tucked through the slot. Now young people, even street kids, can have access to e-banking thanks to an award-winning social entrepreneur from India.

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Children Sue for Climate Justice

A pioneering constitutional climate change lawsuit is being brought by children, ages 8-19, against the federal government in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon in Eugene.

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Hope for the Hungry

Hundreds of millions of people throughout the world go to bed hungry while at the same time, a third of the world’s food is wasted, say the number-crunchers at the United Nations food agencies. But there is hope for the hungry.

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