Maximpact Blog

Insuring the Vulnerable in a Warming World

Between 1980 and 2015, more than 60 percent of the people who lost their lives as a result of climate-related extreme weather events had an income of less than US$3 a day, according to the reinsurance company Munich Re in 2016.

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An Atlas of Sci-Art Water Diplomacy

No longer is it true that water is a free and infinite resource as people once believed. Today conservation is essential as one in every 10 people across the European Union experiences water scarcity, according to the European Commission.

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167 Nations Adopt New Urban Agenda

Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, has wrapped up in Quito, Ecuador, as delegations adopted the New Urban Agenda, a new framework that details how cities should be planned and managed to best achieve sustainability.

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Ranking the Top 10 Global Green Cities

Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose city is the greenest of them all? The mirror held up by the corporate strategy consulting firm Solidiance reflects the answer in a new report that compares the performance of 10 global cities and their green buildings.

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Dirtiest Air in World’s Poorest Cities

The poorest cities on Earth have the worst air pollution, data revealed today by the World Health Organization shows. More than 80 percent of the people living in cities that monitor pollutants in their air are exposed to levels up to 10 times higher than WHO limits.

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