Maximpact Blog

Refugees Around the World Struggle to Survive

GENEVA, Switzerland, January 14, 2022 ( News) – A giant fire broke out on January 10, sweeping through refugee dwellings in Cox’s Bazar on the southeast coast of Bangladesh, site of the world’s largest refugee camp. The damage is extensive, refugees had to breach barbed wire fencing to reach safety, and 5,000 are now homeless.

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President Biden Welcomes Refugees, Reversing Trump Policy

“We face a crisis of more than 80 million displaced people suffering all around the world,” President Joe Biden told diplomats at the U.S. State Dept. Friday, setting the stage for an about-face on U.S. refugee policy. While the previous administration imposed travel bans, separated families and built border walls, Biden signed an executive order “to begin the hard work of restoring our refugee admissions program to help meet the unprecedented global need.”

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Climate Denier Trump Wins

The surprising election of Donald Trump, a Republican and climate denier, to the White House on Tuesday changes the global balance of power on climate change.

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