Maximpact Blog

COP27: At-Risk Nations Celebrate New Climate Loss, Damage Fund

Overwhelmed by storms, drought, and rising seas, stressed out developing countries won creation of a fund for loss and damage at the UN’s annual climate conference, COP27. More than 45,000 participants gathered in this resort town at the tip of the Sinai Peninsula to negotiate implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate, build coalitions, solve problems, and find financing.

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Phone Route to Wealth for the Unbanked

Imagine being without a bank account, having no means of carrying out formal financial transactions, storing money, sending and receiving payments. That is the case for roughly 40 percent of the world’s working-age adults, about two billion people.

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Nonprofit Lawyers: It’s not an Oxymoron, It’s ELAW

The nonprofit Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW) is the go-to organization for 300+ lawyers in more than 70 countries who act as environmental defenders. Sunny Lewis gives us an insight to some of their most important work to date around the world.

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