Maximpact Blog

EU Helps Turkey Shelter Four Million Refugees

Eyad and his family fled their home in Syria’s Aleppo countryside in February 2017, during the Bashar al Assad regime’s recapture of the city. “The bombing was unbearable,” he explains. “I saw death with my own eyes. I don’t want my children to witness this.”

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Europe Relegates Single-Use Plastics to History

Targeting the 10 plastic products most often found littering European beaches as well as abandoned fishing gear, the European Parliament and Council have reached a provisional political agreement with the Commission on new measures to tackle marine litter at its source.

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Climate Change Outlook: What Europeans Can Expect

If global warming rises more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels and no adequate adaptation measures are taken, Europe is at risk of being exposed to more frequent, intense extreme weather conditions with serious economic impacts.

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Big Wave of Support for Our Oceans

Financial contributions are rolling in to fund dozens of initiatives aimed at healing and protecting the oceans at the fifth annual Our Ocean Conference held on the Indonesian island of Bali October 29-30.

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Bolstered by EU Billions, Greece Recovers

In the face of massive external and internal imbalances that resulted in loss of market access, in April 2010 Greece was forced to request financial assistance from its European and international partners. Unprecedented billions were provided, and now Greece is well along the road to recovery.

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EU & China Shape ‘Sustainable Blue Economy’

Two of the world’s largest ocean economies – the European Union and China – have agreed to work together “to improve the international governance of the oceans in all its aspects, including by combating illegal fishing and promoting a sustainable blue economy.

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EU Extends Multi-Billion Euro Support to Migrants

While the United States attempts to limit migration through punitive action at its southern border, the European Union is taking the opposite approach to the flood of migrants from Africa and neighboring countries seeking sanctuary.

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Lively Carbon Markets Promise Cooler Earth

Carbon emissions trading is gaining popularity in established markets and in emerging economies; in fact it now covers 15 percent of all emissions globally, finds the International Carbon Action Partnership’s new report on emissions trading activity in 2017.

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EU Circular Strategy Incorporates Plastics

All plastic packaging on the market across the EU will be recyclable by 2030 under the first-ever Europe-wide strategy on plastics adopted by the European Commission earlier this month, “A European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy.”

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“Together for Youth, With Youth”

To ensure a sustainable future, the European Union and the African Union are solidifying their decade-old financial and structural cooperation in order to support young people and women.

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What’s That in Your Fruit Salad?

A pregnant woman eating a salad of fresh fruit grown by conventional agriculture in the European Union may think she is providing healthy nourishment to her future baby, but in fact she might be exposing it to a cocktail of endocrine disrupting chemicals.

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EU Pours Millions Into Circular, Low-carbon Economy

Integrating solar panels into the glass facades of buildings could improve their energy performance to meet EU targets, as the buildings become a whole new source of renewable energy. This is just one of 139 projects soon to be funded by the European Commission.

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A Sixth Scenario for Europe: The NGO Vision

Non-governmental organizations across the European Union have just issued their alternative vision for the future of the EU, as the bloc moves forward without Britain, as a group of 27, rather than 28 member states.

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