Maximpact Blog

Local People Know Best

Standard ways of measuring community well-being and sustainability used by global organizations may be missing critical information that could lead to missteps in management actions, finds research that emerged this week.

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Equator Prize Winners Demonstrate Maximum Impact

Outstanding local and indigenous community initiatives that resolve climate, environment and poverty issues are honored with the Equator Prize, every odd year, just as the United Nations General Assembly opens at UN headquarters in New York.

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Banks Feel Pipeline Pressure Points

In a unanimous vote Tuesday, Seattle City Council punished Wells Fargo Bank for investing in the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline by taking away about $3 billion in city business annually.

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Nonprofit Lawyers: It’s not an Oxymoron, It’s ELAW

The nonprofit Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW) is the go-to organization for 300+ lawyers in more than 70 countries who act as environmental defenders. Sunny Lewis gives us an insight to some of their most important work to date around the world.

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