Maximpact Blog

Home Schooling Is the New Normal

“I wish I could make it easier for everyone, I wish I could eliminate the frustration everyone feels,” Oregon Governor Kate Brown said on Wednesday as she announced that all schools in her state will be closed for the rest of the year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Mastering the E-Waste Merry-go-round


Since becoming Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in 2014, Houlin Zhao has upgraded his mobile phone three times, and, he says, every time, the old mobile was recycled or donated to charity for further use. But this is not the case for all mobile phones around the world.

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E-waste Proliferates as Incomes Rise, Prices Fall

Last year, the world generated e-waste – everything from end-of-life refrigerators and TV sets to solar panels, mobile phones and computers – equal in weight to 1.23 million fully loaded 18-wheeler heavy-duty freight trucks, enough to form a line from New York to Bangkok and back.

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Phone Route to Wealth for the Unbanked

Imagine being without a bank account, having no means of carrying out formal financial transactions, storing money, sending and receiving payments. That is the case for roughly 40 percent of the world’s working-age adults, about two billion people.

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