Maximpact Blog

World’s E-Waste Heavier than China’s Great Wall

BRUSSELS, Belgium, October 14, 2021 – Today, on International E-Waste Day 2021, waste management experts are asking households, businesses, and governments to get more dead or unused electronic devices to facilities where they can be repaired or recycled to recover precious metals and reduce the need to mine new resources.

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Women Everywhere Seek Equality, Balance

International Women’s Day has two themes this year. The theme “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change,” addresses infrastructure, systems and frameworks constructed in line with a male-defined culture. The theme #BalanceforBetter inspires action to drive gender balance.

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Women, Girls Excel at Science, Tech, Engineering, Math

When Rebecca Azanaw, 17, got the news that she would have a meeting with the UN Secretary-General, not even looming semester exams could keep her from the opportunity, offered in connection with the International Day for Women and Girls in Science, February 11.

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