Maximpact Blog

10 Essential Climate Science Insights for 2022

As world leaders, scientists and diplomats at the United Nations’ annual climate conference, COP27, struggle to agree on how to manage the extremes of climate change, global scientists presented the 10 essential scientific climate insights of the year as guideposts to negotiation.

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Community Solutions – effecting real change

UN Sustainable Development Goals

It’s become more critical than ever to find solutions to the world’s most pressing social and environmental issues. From challenges around energy, waste and water, to the growing refugee crisis, communities need to find positive ways to address these complex issues, and to start building a more sustainable future.

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Refugees’ Personalities Predict Integration Success

Refugees who are more willing to take risks, who reciprocate friendliness, and who are more strongly convinced than others are that they are in control of their lives integrate into society faster, finds new research based on a study of over 4,500 refugees who settled in Germany at least 18 months ago.

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Immigrant Skills Top Family Ties in New U.S. Poll

By a wide margin, a majority of Americans are in favor of altering U.S. immigration policies to place less emphasis on family reunification and greater weight on admitting English speakers with high-level skills, according to a Hill-HarrisX poll released Tuesday.

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