Maximpact Blog

Novel Electronics Boost Solar Panel Power

“We want to increase the power output of photovoltaic facilities under unfavorable conditions, such as shade, dirt, or aging, and to optimize the efficiency and power yield,” says Nina Munzke at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). She aims to boost the efficiency of solar power with the latest in artificial intelligence and electronic solutions.

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Mutant Enzyme Debuts at World Plastics Summit

MONACO, April 13, 2022 ( Sustainability News) – “The plastics pollution crisis is one of the most urgent challenges of our time,” warned Professor John McGeehan as he co-chaired the very first World Plastics Summit last week at the Novotel Monte Carlo Hotel as part of Monaco Ocean Week 2022.

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New Multi-Layer Solar Cell Sets World Record

A new kind of solar cell has captured the world record for the highest solar conversion efficiency at 47.1 percent efficiency in the lab and nearly 40 percent in the field, making new kinds of environmental solutions possible. The new solar cell outperformed typical solar panels by combining six kinds of collectors into one micro-thin surface.

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New Nanoparticle Converts CO2 Emissions Into Fuel


Futuristic power plants could function not as destructive sources of planet-warming carbon dioxide (CO2), but as a carbon-neutral closed loops. Instead of smokestacks that pump carbon emissions into the atmosphere, power plants of the future could capture all their waste CO2, converting it into fuel to power each plant.

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