Maximpact Blog

Life During Lockdown: Blessing or Curse?

If anyone had told Aisha and her teenaged daughter a year ago that everybody would be locked down in his house, and the biggest cities in the world empty and looking like ghost towns, they would have said he is crazy!!! “However here we are,” she says, “all trying to adapt to our new situation.”

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Northern Ireland Envisions Its First Environment Strategy


The head of Northern Ireland’s Environment Agency, David Small, is inviting the public to help draft Northern Ireland’s first Environment Strategy. “We want the public to help us identify the solutions to protect, preserve and enhance our environment and are very keen to ensure our plans accurately reflect what it is we all want to achieve for this and future generations,” he said.

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Northern Ireland Extends Friendly Hands to Refugees

Aisha Al Najjar

A teenage refugee who fled war-ravaged Syria for a new life in Belfast has won a top UK achievement award for young people. Aisha Al Najjar and her family left their home in Syria in 2012 and lived in Beirut before landing in Northern Ireland in December 2015 under the Relocation of Vulnerable People Scheme.

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