Maximpact Blog

Building ‘A Grand Coalition’ to Protect the Climate

The summit is being convened to form “a grand coalition” of energy and climate ministers with industry, finance and civil society leaders who agree to keep global warming to just 1.5 degrees Celsius higher than pre-industrial temperatures – the most conservative goal of the Paris Agreement.

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European Clean Energy Innovators to Get €100 Million

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates knows that €100 million can fund a lot of climate-friendly, clean energy research by European innovators, so as founding chairman of a new investment fund, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Gates is collaborating with the European Commission to provide that support.

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COP23 Fertilizes Climate-Smart Agriculture

New commitments and initiatives in the agriculture and water sectors were announced as nearly 200 countries gathered at the United Nations Climate Conference (COP23) hosted by the government of Fiji in Bonn, November 6-17.

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