Maximpact Blog

Dealing with the world’s waste crisis

The world's waste crisis

While the world produces billions of tonnes of rubbish every year, it is estimated that only 16% of this is recycled while a massive 46% is disposed of unsustainably. As the amount of waste they produce increases, countries do not have the appropriate systems in place and are struggling to deal with the efficient collection and disposal of waste.

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Which U.S. States Care About The Planet?

Energy companies, around the globe are paying attend to environmental issues, as much as countries, states and cities are showing a renewed interest in green energy.
Amigo Energy a electric company from Texas recently ran an analysis of Google Trends data and state statistics related to the planet and environmental issues.

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Firms Flock to Circular Economy 100 USA

Four years after becoming the fastest solo sailor to circumnavigate the globe, a 2005 record that still stands, Dame Ellen MacArthur founded the UK charity that bears her name to advance the sustainability that flows from a well-functioning circular economy.

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