Maximpact Blog

The Evolving Meaning of Sustainability

photograph of a lady in a dress of flowers

Sustainability is a key concept for our times. For impact investors who want to put their capital behind better ways of doing business, it’s an important indicator of investability. But what exactly do we mean when we say “sustainability” or “sustainable”? This blog explores how the meaning of sustainability is changing and what that may mean for social investors.

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The Future of Investable Social Finance

The Future of Investable Social Finance

With the beginnings of a track record to back up its claims, finance remains a solid bet for impact investors. The future looks positive as a new generation of impact-backed financial service providers hone their skills, diversify their products and discover untapped markets of underserved clients in different parts of the globe. In this blog, part three of a three-part series on impact investing in finance, we chart the future of investing in social finance.

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Why Finance is (and Always Has Been) an Important Sector for Impact Investors

Hand money

If you were asked to guess which sector attracted the biggest proportion of impact investment, which would you say it was? If you chose anything other than financial services, you guessed wrong. Impact investors have been enthusiastic backers of financial service businesses since the early days of social investing. In this blog, the first of a three-part series on impact investing in financial services, we explore the reasons why finance remains such an important sector for impact investors—and what their relationship means for the social investing sector today.

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