Maximpact Blog

The Future of Investable Social Finance

The Future of Investable Social Finance

With the beginnings of a track record to back up its claims, finance remains a solid bet for impact investors. The future looks positive as a new generation of impact-backed financial service providers hone their skills, diversify their products and discover untapped markets of underserved clients in different parts of the globe. In this blog, part three of a three-part series on impact investing in finance, we chart the future of investing in social finance.

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Root Capital Proves the Business Case for Social and Environmental Due Diligence

Conducting social and environmental due diligence may be good practice for investors with an eye on impact outcomes, but it certainly costs money and time—and does it really make business sense? Root Capital’s new briefing paper uncovers the business case for social and environmental due diligence, showing how the practice pays for itself—and then some.

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