Maximpact Blog

Living Through the Pandemic Stress Free: Here’s How

COVID-19 has caused changes to people’s wellbeing around the world ever since the World Health Organization declared the viral outbreak a global pandemic on March 11, 2020. As the virus surged and receded and surged again in country after country throughout 2020, prompting lockdowns, school and business closures, people around the world have reported changes in their physical activity levels, mental health, wellbeing, and eating habits.

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Global Vaccine Telethon Supports Coronavirus Community Solutions

To help fight the coronavirus, six countries, the European Commission and the Bill & Melina Gates Foundation Monday pledged billions in new funding to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. The money will be used to support universal access to a future COVID-19 vaccine and also to support the vaccination of hundreds of millions of children against pneumonia, measles and polio.

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Waste: Source of Wealth and Conflict


In what environmentalists have labeled a “global waste shell game,” Indonesian officials have been caught approving re-exports of illegal U.S. waste shipments to other Asian countries instead of returning them to the United States as promised.

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E-Waste Piles Proliferate in Asia

The volume of discarded electronics in East Asia and Southeast Asia rose nearly two-thirds between 2010 and 2015, and e-waste generation is growing fast both in total volume and per person measures, new United Nations research shows.

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