Maximpact Blog

10 Essential Climate Science Insights for 2022

As world leaders, scientists and diplomats at the United Nations’ annual climate conference, COP27, struggle to agree on how to manage the extremes of climate change, global scientists presented the 10 essential scientific climate insights of the year as guideposts to negotiation.

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EU Drafts New Rules for Impact Investing

The Council of the European Union is taking steps to encourage financial companies to increase awareness of the impact of their investments on the environment by requiring them to disclose how they integrate environmental, social and governance factors in their investment decisions.

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Sustainable Finance European Style

An EU-wide label for green investment funds, a European standard for green bonds, and a classification system to provide market clarity on what is sustainable are recommended in the final report of the High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, published this week.

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The Evolving Meaning of Sustainability

photograph of a lady in a dress of flowers

Sustainability is a key concept for our times. For impact investors who want to put their capital behind better ways of doing business, it’s an important indicator of investability. But what exactly do we mean when we say “sustainability” or “sustainable”? This blog explores how the meaning of sustainability is changing and what that may mean for social investors.

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