Maximpact Blog

Refugees Around the World Struggle to Survive

GENEVA, Switzerland, January 14, 2022 ( News) – A giant fire broke out on January 10, sweeping through refugee dwellings in Cox’s Bazar on the southeast coast of Bangladesh, site of the world’s largest refugee camp. The damage is extensive, refugees had to breach barbed wire fencing to reach safety, and 5,000 are now homeless.

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Rohinga Refugees Had So Little, Now They Have Less

Fire swept through a Rohinga refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar on Sunday leaving 15 refugees dead and more than 560 others injured. Bangladeshi authorities estimate that 400 people are still missing and 45,000 refugees lost their shelters and all their belongings in the devastating blaze.

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Refugee Camps Rely on Renewables

In Iraq, displaced people struggle with the loss of electric power as blackouts and brownouts remain frequent even at grid-connected settlements, leaving refugees and the humanitarian community dependent on expensive, polluting diesel generators. In Ethiopia, most refugees lack any reliable access at all to electric lighting.

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Billions Pledged at First Global Refugee Forum

The world’s first Global Refugee Forum ended Wednesday with hundreds of pledges and a “decisive shift” in approach. More than 770 pledges were made that ranged from financial support to more inclusive government policies to improving access to refugee employment, education, clean energy and resettlement.

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Prejudice Impairs Efforts to End Statelessness

Hate speech and “damaging forms of nationalism” that have found “a new legitimacy in public discourse” present serious threats to efforts to eradicate statelessness, despite growing public awareness of the problem, UN refugee chief Filippo Grandi warned on Monday.

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Northern Ireland Extends Friendly Hands to Refugees

Aisha Al Najjar

A teenage refugee who fled war-ravaged Syria for a new life in Belfast has won a top UK achievement award for young people. Aisha Al Najjar and her family left their home in Syria in 2012 and lived in Beirut before landing in Northern Ireland in December 2015 under the Relocation of Vulnerable People Scheme.

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Refugees Celebrated on Their Special Day

World Refugee Day, held each year on June 20, honors the strength and courage of refugees and encourages public awareness and support of refugees who have had to flee their homelands due to conflict or natural disaster. Vulnerable and in need, trapped between intolerable conditions at home and a perilous journey to an uncertain future, refugees are often misunderstood and maligned.

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Refugees Depend on Trees

To help regenerate forests in areas hosting displaced people and refugees where heavy reliance on wood fuel puts forests and woodlands in jeopardy, two UN agencies have published a new handbook promoting sustainable livelihood opportunities through community-managed forests.

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