Maximpact Blog

Climate Change Could Shock Global Food Markets

The warming climate is likely to result in increased volatility of grain prices, maize production shocks and reduced food security, finds new research published Monday in the U.S. journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.”

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What’s That in Your Fruit Salad?

A pregnant woman eating a salad of fresh fruit grown by conventional agriculture in the European Union may think she is providing healthy nourishment to her future baby, but in fact she might be exposing it to a cocktail of endocrine disrupting chemicals.

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Cutting Food Loss and Waste Gets Easier

A new international framework that empowers businesses, governments and NGOs to measure and manage food loss and waste is in its first year of operation. About a third of all food produced each year is lost or wasted worldwide as it moves from field to table…

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EU Patent Office Under Siege Over Seeds

More than 800,000 signatures against patents on plants, animals and seeds were handed to officials of the European Patent Office on June 29, as the EPO’s Administrative Council held a meeting in Munich.

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