Maximpact Blog

Meeting on the Green Side Is Easier Than Ever

Meeting on the Green Side Is Easier Than Ever

BONN, Germany, October 23, 2022 – Meetings, gatherings, conferences, summits, festivals, forums, caucuses, councils – large and small, events can be a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impacts. Now a new, free online tool offers user-friendly solutions that can be used to lower greenhouse gas emissions and help reach climate goals.

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Billions of Scrap Tyres Roll Slowly Toward Recycling

October 17, 2022 ( Sustainability News) – A billion end-of-life tires are generated every year and there are currently four billion such tires in landfills and stockpiles worldwide, according to a study by the Tire Industry Project for the World Business Council for Sustainable Development published in May 2021. Current estimates are even higher, reaching 1.5 billion waste tires a year according to the World Economic Forum.

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Fighting the Food and Fertiliser Crisis

By Sunny Lewis for MaxImpact The May 20 issue of The Economist forecasted a foreboding future of mass hunger and malnutrition from a battered global food system dependent on wheat from Russia and Ukraine. Together, these two countries produce nearly 30 per cent of the world’s traded wheat where 26 countries around the world get […]

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Are Droughts A Key Indicator Of Climate Shifts?

Maximpact Sustainability News and Articles, August 27, 2022 – Summer 2022 brought the worst droughts in 500 years. 47% of European countries is in “warning” condition, announcing soil has dried up and 17% are in “alert” showing signs of stress in vegetation. Europe has never seen in this lifetime such droughts.

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Earth Day 2022: Local Investments for Global Change

The environmental movement hasn’t always embraced the language of investment, although it may have depended on donations, which are a type of investment, too. But this year, the Earth Day theme is “Invest in Our Planet,” because, as the Earth Day organization puts it, “a green future is a prosperous future.”

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Mutant Enzyme Debuts at World Plastics Summit

MONACO, April 13, 2022 ( Sustainability News) – “The plastics pollution crisis is one of the most urgent challenges of our time,” warned Professor John McGeehan as he co-chaired the very first World Plastics Summit last week at the Novotel Monte Carlo Hotel as part of Monaco Ocean Week 2022.

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Monaco Ocean Week Buoys the Blue Economy

blue economy

MONACO, March 26, 2022 ( Sustainability News) – The millionaires, scientists and sailors of Monaco have been laser focused this week on ocean conservation as the heartbeat of the “blue economy.” Just concluded, Monaco’s annual Ocean Week offered, in the words of host HSH Prince Albert II, “a unique framework for exchanges, meetings, experiments and openness.”

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Plastic Medical Waste Floods the Planet

GENEVA, Switzerland, February 16, 2022 ( News) – Medical waste from the coronavirus pandemic is accumulating around the world, threatening human and environmental health, revealing the need to improve waste management, and accelerating planning for a global treaty on plastics.

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Water Reuse Community Explores Unconventional Sources

LONDON, UK, February 10, 2022 (ENS) – Drought is a fact of life for more than two billion people on Earth who face severe water shortages. The crisis has led water scientists to explore the reuse of non-traditional sources such as stormwater, brackish aquifer water, and municipal reclaimed water.

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Sunny Abu Dhabi Signs Multiple Clean Energy Deals

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, January 26, 2022 ( News) – Clean energy projects are springing up across a vast area of the world – from Eastern Europe and the Middle East, through Central Asia and as far east as Indonesia – founded on the work of Masdar, the renewable energy company based in Abu Dhabi.

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15 Cities Each Win a Million in Global Mayors Challenge

NEW YORK, New York, January 19, 2022 ( Sustainability News) – Bloomberg Philanthropies today announced the 15 winning cities of the 2021-2022 Global Mayors Challenge, a worldwide innovation competition that supports and spreads the most promising ideas from cities large and small.

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Refugees Around the World Struggle to Survive

GENEVA, Switzerland, January 14, 2022 ( News) – A giant fire broke out on January 10, sweeping through refugee dwellings in Cox’s Bazar on the southeast coast of Bangladesh, site of the world’s largest refugee camp. The damage is extensive, refugees had to breach barbed wire fencing to reach safety, and 5,000 are now homeless.

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NGOs: Active Listening Unlocks Creative Powers

WASHINGTON, DC, January 9, 2022 ( News) – The world of work has been entirely transformed by the coronavirus pandemic over the past two years, but one thing has not changed – the importance of active listening – to employees, to volunteers and to members of the community affected by an organization’s activities.

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