Maximpact Blog

Genuine Sustainability Attracts Savvy Investors

Attracting “sustainability-savvy investors” entails much more than conserving a little energy or doing a little recycling. “Investors want to be sure that a company’s sustainability efforts are focused on the material issues that affect its ability to thrive and survive,” advises Boston Consulting Group’s latest sustainability report.

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Hope for Cancer Patients in Genomic Data Sharing

Oncologists share information about their cancer cases through medical journals and conferences, but now cancer experts want to assemble big data files on millions of cancer patients from around the world for high-performance computers to analyze.

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Making Deals in Impact Investing

While both investors and entrepreneurs are embracing impact investing, they are having a hard time connecting. Why? It seems, it is a limited understanding by both parties on the opportunities of impact investing, the risks, and the realities and nuances of each other’s worlds.

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2050 Climate Adaptation Costs: $500B a Year

By 2050, the cost of adapting to climate change in developing countries could balloon to $500 billion a year, five times greater than previous estimates, warns a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme.

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Dirtiest Air in World’s Poorest Cities

The poorest cities on Earth have the worst air pollution, data revealed today by the World Health Organization shows. More than 80 percent of the people living in cities that monitor pollutants in their air are exposed to levels up to 10 times higher than WHO limits.

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Indonesia, EU License Legal Timber Trade

Indonesian President Joko Widodo, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, and European Council President Donald Tusk will promote trade in legally produced timber between the European Union and Indonesia through the start of the first Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) licensing plan.

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Germany Joins Asian Bank for Climate Action

The Government of Germany and the Asian Development Bank Monday announced their intention to launch an Asia Climate Finance Facility (ACliFF) in 2017. The announcement came on the first day of the ADB’s 49th Annual Meeting, the first ever held in Germany, the bank’s biggest European shareholder.

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EU Warns of Toxic Toys, Clothes

Buyers beware! The European Commission has published new figures showing that last year more than 2,000 dangerous products triggered EU-wide alerts. Coping with the threats involves stemming the rising tide of products bought online from outside the European Union.

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Carbon Pricing Gathers Momentum

“There is a growing sense of inevitability about putting a price on carbon pollution,” said World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim on the eve of the April 22 signing ceremony at UN Headquarters of the Paris Climate Agreement.

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