Maximpact Blog

Finding Microbes That Feast on Plastic Waste

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, December 30, 2021 ( News) – Is it possible that waste plastic – so toxic, so pervasive – could just – disappear? If so, this feat will likely be accomplished by microbial enzymes, creatures so small they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

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Lemon Juice, Coal Ash, and Rare Earths

ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico, November 29, 2021 ( News) – A harmless food-grade solvent is being used to extract valuable rare-earth metals from environmentally hazardous coal waste, reducing the amount of coal ash without damaging the environment and at the same time increasing supplies of a scarce and critically important resource.

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Geopolitical Chess Game Uses Refugees as Pawns

BRUSSELS, Belgium, November 24, 2021 ( News) – The high-tension conflict over refugees at its border with Belarus has prompted the European Union to propose measures today to prevent and restrict the activities of transport operators smuggling or trafficking people into the EU.

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COP26 Glasgow Climate Pact Keeps 1.5°C Goal Alive

The UN climate conference COP26 concluded late Saturday night with a deal among 196 governments to forestall catastrophic climate change that hinged on a surprise development. Minutes before the final decision on the text of the Glasgow Climate Pact was taken, India proposed a weaker version of the language on coal.

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Climate Finance Gathers Steam at COP26

Billions upon billions of dollars in climate finance commitments were made in the first three days of the United Nations climate summit COP26 in Glasgow, a big change from past withholding patterns. The funding will support decarbonizing the global economy.

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Blue-Green Algae Commit Suicide at South Africa’s Setumo Dam

MAHIKENG, South Africa, October 27, 2021 ( News) – A new technology that removes harmful algal blooms from water bodies without damage to other life has succeeded in cleaning up the toxic blue-green algae that for decades has infected the reservoir behind Setumo Dam on South Africa’s Molopo River.

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World’s E-Waste Heavier than China’s Great Wall

BRUSSELS, Belgium, October 14, 2021 – Today, on International E-Waste Day 2021, waste management experts are asking households, businesses, and governments to get more dead or unused electronic devices to facilities where they can be repaired or recycled to recover precious metals and reduce the need to mine new resources.

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From a Maps to Satnav world – The way boards take decisions is changing 

How corporate board of directors are adapting and using technology and information to make decisions. From maps to Satnav just like for drivers, the board of directors are converting to “smart boards”. Smart boards are also changing their agendas and focussing their time more on the big decisions. They are having more discussion about what these decisions are, when they should take them, what input and evidence they need as well as how the decision is going to be made. The rise of the “Early” “Mid” “Late” approach referred to above is also helping.

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Escaping Migrants Sell What They Have: Their Bodies

What’s that in the distance? A yacht? Are you thinking, “Oh, those lucky wealthy people playing on their pleasure boat?” Well, you could be wrong. The people below decks are often migrants desperate to escape violence or natural disaster in their home countries.

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Rethinking Stress Can Help Enhance Performance

Heart pounding ahead of an audition, a feeling of being overwhelmed on the job, a headache before a big business deal – all these experiences can indicate high levels of stress. But stress isn’t always a bad thing, according to new research by University of Rochester psychologists, who say stress can be harnessed for good.

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Afghan Evacuees Welcomed Warmly in the West

LONDON, UK, September 7, 2021 ( Sustainable News) – A UK government effort, dubbed Operation Warm Welcome, is ensuring Afghans evacuees receive support to rebuild their lives, find work, pursue education and integrate into local communities. The United States is welcoming too, but differently.

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Jumping In to Remove Dams Across Europe

VIENNA, Austria, August 17, 2021 ( – Citizens from across Europe have jumped in together to crowdfund removal of dams on rivers across the continent. The 2021 edition of the Big Jump event was the first joint crowdfunding action to be carried out at the same time in multiple European countries.

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World Shaken By ‘Terrifying’ Climate Science Report

GENEVA, Switzerland, August 9, 2021 (ENS) – Wildfires, drought, floods, extreme weather across the globe – climate change is already here – widespread, rapid and intensifying. Some of the changes now happening, such as sea level rise, are irreversible over hundreds to thousands of years, warns a new expert report.

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