Maximpact Blog

One Billion Take Part in Earth Day 2016

As Earth Day approaches its 50th anniversary in 2020, the Earth Day Network has set five major goals. Planting trees is the first; this year volunteers plan to plant 7.8 billion trees. Valuable as it is, tree planting is not the only global push planned for Earth Day.

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Jury Still Out on Carbon Capture & Storage

Since the Paris Climate Agreement was reached in December, preventing the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) from entering the atmosphere has become a top priority for many governments, utilities and private individuals who believe climate change to be the major problem of this generation.

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Gates Funds Climate-Smart Rice Development

Climate change-ready rice seeds of several varieties have reached millions of farmers in Asia and Africa under a forward-looking program known as Stress-Tolerant Rice for Africa and South Asia, or STRASA.

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Cement CEO’s Rise to the Climate Challenge

Cement production accounts for about five percent of all human-made carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions worldwide. Inspired by the Paris Climate Agreement, the cement industry has set a goal of reducing its emissions 25 percent by 2030.

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Global Climate Consensus Forged in Paris

“The Paris Agreement on climate change is a monumental triumph for people and planet,” declared UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as delegates from 195 countries approved the world’s first universal pact to take common climate action.

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Cities Show Strong Climate Leadership in Paris

Cities consume roughly 80 percent of the world’s energy production and spew out 70 percent of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. So, while cities are big contributors to climate change, at the same time they offer great potential for emission reductions.

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Why Social Investors Must Get Behind the Circular Economy

recycling symbol superimposed over trash

The circular economy movement is gaining momentum fast. Yet businesses who want to transition to a circular model still find it difficult to secure finance. Social investors should get behind them and lend support to what will an important step toward a sustainable future for all.

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Much more than just a conference – Lilongwe Malawi, 14-17 April 2015

We need your help to raise $122,000 in order to restore land and change lives Maximpact is reaching out to its network to assist World Vision  in raising  the remaining $122,000 for the 2015 Beating Famine Conference in Africa. This is your opportunity to be part of a global movement In 2012 the first Beating […]

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