Sustainable transport leaders from the private sector met at the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech (COP22) on Saturday for the Global Climate Action event on Transport to move the world towards a cooler future.
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Sustainable transport leaders from the private sector met at the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech (COP22) on Saturday for the Global Climate Action event on Transport to move the world towards a cooler future.
+Read MoreA new global focus on renewable energy to avert climate change got a burst of financial power in June as the World Bank Group signed an agreement with the International Solar Alliance – 121 countries led by India – to mobilize US$1 trillion in investments by 2030.
+Read More“Entrepreneurs passionate about green issues might need to be prepared for some soul searching as ‘enacting a brave new world’ through launching a new venture is unlikely to be without concession to others’ values.
+Read MoreCement production accounts for about five percent of all human-made carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions worldwide. Inspired by the Paris Climate Agreement, the cement industry has set a goal of reducing its emissions 25 percent by 2030.
+Read More“The Paris Agreement on climate change is a monumental triumph for people and planet,” declared UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as delegates from 195 countries approved the world’s first universal pact to take common climate action.
+Read MoreUN Climate Conference in Paris reached agreement, here is a statement from the United Nations Foundation regarding this agreement.
+Read MoreFinance remains the most contentious issue as climate negotiators from around the world approach agreement on an historic pact to control climate change that will apply to all nations.
+Read MoreCorporate actions on key climate issues such as carbon pricing, finance, responsible policy engagement and science-based emissions targets were announced at the Caring for Climate Business Forum, the official avenue for business at COP21 in Paris.
+Read MoreCities consume roughly 80 percent of the world’s energy production and spew out 70 percent of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. So, while cities are big contributors to climate change, at the same time they offer great potential for emission reductions.
+Read MoreWithin two years China will open a national market-based cap-and-trade system to limit greenhouse gas emissions from some of its largest industrial sectors, President Xi Jinping announced late last month during his visit to the United States.
+Read MoreSix of the largest U.S. banks have called for a strong, legally-binding universal climate agreement (Climate Deal) to emerge from the United Nations Paris climate conference in December.
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