Maximpact Blog

World Shaken By ‘Terrifying’ Climate Science Report

GENEVA, Switzerland, August 9, 2021 (ENS) – Wildfires, drought, floods, extreme weather across the globe – climate change is already here – widespread, rapid and intensifying. Some of the changes now happening, such as sea level rise, are irreversible over hundreds to thousands of years, warns a new expert report.

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Insurance Industry Wakes Up to Ocean Risks

Unprecedented changes occurring in the oceans signal the urgent need for a multi-sectoral approach, with businesses, governments and the insurance industry working together, finds a new report presented at the world’s first Ocean Risk Summit.

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Environmental Risks Haunt World Economic Forum

Climate change, terrorism and the backlash against globalization pose the greatest threats to the survival of human civilization, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi told the opening session of the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos today.

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Green Climate Fund Disburses Hope

Just three days before he left office on January 20, U.S. President Barack Obama transferred a second installment of US$500 million to the Green Climate Fund, based in South Korea’s Songdo International Business District.

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