Maximpact Blog

World Shaken By ‘Terrifying’ Climate Science Report

GENEVA, Switzerland, August 9, 2021 (ENS) – Wildfires, drought, floods, extreme weather across the globe – climate change is already here – widespread, rapid and intensifying. Some of the changes now happening, such as sea level rise, are irreversible over hundreds to thousands of years, warns a new expert report.

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Brutal Weather Hits Extremes

France today activated the EU’s Civil Protection Mechanism as forest fires ravage southern regions of the country, threatening the resort of St. Tropez and the island of Corsica. French authorities have requested firefighting aircraft, and EU support is already on its way.

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Climate Change Takes Its Toll

Climate Change – Monetary losses caused by natural disasters in the first half of 2016 were “significantly higher” than the corresponding figures for the previous year, although fewer people died in these events, according to a report by the German insurance and re-insurance firm Munich Re.

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Gates Funds Climate-Smart Rice Development

Climate change-ready rice seeds of several varieties have reached millions of farmers in Asia and Africa under a forward-looking program known as Stress-Tolerant Rice for Africa and South Asia, or STRASA.

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