Maximpact Blog

Athletes to Revive Biodiversity With Sports for Nature Framework

The International Olympic Committee, IOC, and 22 other global sports organisations have signed the first-ever Sports for Nature Framework as a separate initiative linked to the Convention on Biological Diversity’s new agreement adopted in Montreal on Monday to protect 30 percent of Earth’s land, water and oceans by 2030.

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Nature-based Solutions Key to Millions of Green Jobs

Twenty million new jobs could be generated worldwide if investment in nature-based solutions were tripled by 2030, a target the United Nations calls a key step toward achieving the world’s biodiversity, land restoration and climate goals. But the transition must be “just,” greening the economy in a way that is fair and inclusive, leaving no one behind.

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Drier Than Dry, Dry to the Bone

Conflict, drought, displacement and disease are driving vast humanitarian crises in dryland areas of Africa and the Middle East, just as governments that are Parties to the UN Conference to Combat Desertification meet this week and next in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China.

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IUCN Conservation Congress: Planet at the Crossroads

“The IUCN Congress will set the course for using nature-based solutions to help move millions out of poverty, creating a more sustainable economy and restoring a healthier relationship with our planet,” said World Bank Group president Jim Kim, as the conference opened in Honolulu September 1.

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