Maximpact Blog

Catalytic Capital Consortium Meets SDG Funding Gap

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation today launched the Catalytic Capital Consortium, allocating US$150 million to address financing gaps in impact investing, targeted to funds and intermediaries not suitable for conventional investment.

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Earth Day Global March for Science

The importance of science is the rallying point for activities on Earth Day’s 47th anniversary, Saturday April 22. Earth Day 2017 will open in grand resistance style with a worldwide March for Science to counter the denial of well-established climate science and other scientific facts affecting the environment.

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India, World Bank Empower Sunshine Nations

A new global focus on renewable energy to avert climate change got a burst of financial power in June as the World Bank Group signed an agreement with the International Solar Alliance – 121 countries led by India – to mobilize US$1 trillion in investments by 2030.

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World Environment Day Goes Wild for Life

The environmental concerns of the 1970s – industrial pollution of air and water, oil spills, toxic dumps, pesticides, loss of wilderness and biodiversity – inspired people to set aside two distinct days each year for activities aimed at saving the planet. World Environment Day 2016

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Germany Joins Asian Bank for Climate Action

The Government of Germany and the Asian Development Bank Monday announced their intention to launch an Asia Climate Finance Facility (ACliFF) in 2017. The announcement came on the first day of the ADB’s 49th Annual Meeting, the first ever held in Germany, the bank’s biggest European shareholder.

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Carbon Pricing Gathers Momentum

“There is a growing sense of inevitability about putting a price on carbon pollution,” said World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim on the eve of the April 22 signing ceremony at UN Headquarters of the Paris Climate Agreement.

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One Billion Take Part in Earth Day 2016

As Earth Day approaches its 50th anniversary in 2020, the Earth Day Network has set five major goals. Planting trees is the first; this year volunteers plan to plant 7.8 billion trees. Valuable as it is, tree planting is not the only global push planned for Earth Day.

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