Maximpact Blog

Women and Men Give Differently

When planning campaigns, wise fundraisers take into account the real differences in the ways in which women and men give to charitable organizations. “From motivations to causes to behavior, women and men demonstrate different giving patterns,” finds new research from the Women’s Philanthropy Institute at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

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Jordan Cycles Into Business Adventures

Malia Asfour, Jordan Tourism Board director for North America, has inspired travel professionals from across the United States to help rural communities in Jordan by donating used bicycles, building bike shops and supporting tour guide training.

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Top Trends for Grantmakers for 2016

From billionaire tech tycoon philanthropy to the smallest crowdfunded community initiative, the year in philanthropy promises to test big ideas and, as always, refine the everyday hard work of grantmaking.

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Maximpact: Bringing the Impact Sector Together

At Maximpact,we pride ourselves on our inclusive approach to impact investing. An important part of our mission is to strengthen the sector by providing a place where a wide range of impact players can come together and make impact deals. To make this happen more effectively, we’ve adopted a very broad definition of impact investing, creating a “big tent” that invites a diverse range of players under the same roof.

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