Maximpact Blog

The Wisdom of Sustainable Procurement

Sustainable procurement programs are more integral and widespread than ever before, but face a critical juncture as they scale to reach the next level of maturity, according to the results of the new EcoVadis/HEC Sustainable Procurement Barometer.

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Hopscotching Through Davos 2017

World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab welcomed participants to the 47th Annual Meeting today with the thought that despite the “disruptive economic and political models,” now underway, the meeting can construct a positive vision for the future.

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167 Nations Adopt New Urban Agenda

Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, has wrapped up in Quito, Ecuador, as delegations adopted the New Urban Agenda, a new framework that details how cities should be planned and managed to best achieve sustainability.

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Six CSR Strategies for Startups

Startups now have a new strategic guide to help them build a record of social responsibility, courtesy of the philanthropic Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

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Act Local, Think Global: Three Ways to Ignite Positive Environmental Change  Arlington, VA – Friday, April 22, 2016 – In observance of Earth Day, the international conservation organization Rare is offering up three easy ways you can be a catalyst for global change. The strain on the Earth’s natural resources poses an increasing threat to […]

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Maximpact’s Tips for a Sustainable Holiday Season

With the Winter Holidays close at hand, thoughts of gift buying are at the forefront of most people’s minds. This month instead of focusing on the financial side of making an impact, we decided to look at how sustainability can be incorporated into your giving.

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